Safeguarding is a vital part of our charity. The young people who attend our sessions come from a wide range of backgrounds and circumstances, but all need to be listened to, all need to be protected and all need to be assured that if there is something wrong, adults will do their best to help them.
Our Safeguarding Policy guides how we manage and approach safeguarding on a day-to-day basis.
In the most serious of circumstances, we cannot keep confidences. Our experienced Safeguarding Co-ordinator will make referrals to the police or social services if this is deemed necessary. Thankfully, this is extremely rare.
All our staff and volunteers undertake DBS checks, either through ourselves or with other organisations (eg their workplace) which we can check through the national DBS system. We run Safeguarding training for staff and volunteers through thirtyone:eight.
For Volunteers
If you need to report an incident, or concern for a young person, please use the forms below, and return to:
If you decide the form should only be seen by the Safeguarding Co-ordinator, please return to:
Incident Report Form
Expression of Concern Report Form